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North Shore Winery

Poplar Peach

Poplar Peach
Sweet Goodness

This wine is made with French Colombard and apple wine infused with natural peach flavor. Also low alcohol, this wine is perfect on warm, sunny days especially when served chilled. Named after the river that flows through the beautiful areas around Lutsen, we hope you enjoy this peach of a wine!

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SKU: PoplarPeach
Wine Specs
French Colombard
Alcohol %
Wine Profile
Tasting Notes
Scent: Peach, white flowers Flavor: Peach, walnut, lilac

Product Reviews

Jade Z's Gravatar
Jade Z
(Sep 4, 2020 at 9:56 PM)
This wine is perfect for a warm, sunny day. Sweet, light, cleans your palette..

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